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  • Hulladékgazdálkodási program indult a Körös-szögi kistérségben

  • Körös Völgy kulturális magazin - 2014.06.27.

    A tartalomból: Kardosi FalunapMúzeumok ÉjszakájaSzarvasi Vízi Színház - Vers a Víz Fölött - Ládafia táncjáték ...
  • Szarvas News - 26.06.2014

    Content: Miracle in Szarvas – Cervinus Teatrum is preparing with new musicalWire Art – participants of the Vajda drawing camp had the opportunity to see several unique techniques in SzarvasWreck party – speed trial was organized already for the 20t...
  • Szarvas News - 25.06.2014

    Content: Cheerful summer holiday – English was taught with cheerful songs and dance in the camp of the Vajda Peter High School in SzarvasCharity concert – concert to renew the organ is organized in the Evangelistic Old Church in SzarvasDrama pedagogy...
  • Szarvas News - 24.06.2014

    Content: “Our street, our future!” – 30th June is the deadline of the drawing and photo family tenderOld Church Vicarage Office is getting nicer in Szarvas – works are starting in JulyWelcoming summer – all day long fun activities were organize...
  • Szarvas News - 23.06.2014

    Content: Son of the Box – tale show of Balassi Dance Group was a big success in SzarvasEnglish camp in the Benka in Szarvas – guests arrived from the United States in the sake of the correct pronunciationNight in the museum – many people were inter...
  • XX. Békés megyei polgármeseterek labdarúgó-találkozója Csabacsüdön

  • Körös Völgy kulturális magazin - 2014.06.20.

    A tartalomból: Szarvasi Vízi Színház - Évadnyitó - részletAz ünnepi könyvhét nyitórendezvénye MezőtúronKönyvhét a szarvasi Városi Könyvtárban, beszélgetés Dr. Vizét Ferenc íróval {flv img="videos/2014_koros_volgy_06_20.png"}2014_...
  • Szarvasi Híradó - 2014.06.20

    A tartalomból: Egészségügy – új közbeszerzési kiírással keresnek ügyeletes orvost SzarvasraVers a víz felett – idén is számos ingyenes kulturális program várja Szarvason a Vízi Színházba érkezőketVízpati Fiesta – hagyományterm...
  • Szarvas News - 19.06.2014

    Content: Semester closing ceremony – Chovan Kalman Art School closed its doors for the summerNew releases – released books from Szarvas are shown in the Tessedik Samuel MuseumFishermen meeting – Fishing competition organized for the 2nd time in Sza...
  • Szarvas News - 18.06.2014

    Content: Book festival – Several programs organized in Mezőtúr for the audienceCompetition of high school students – Szarvas Vajda Peter High School organized women handball cupSummer holiday – Szarvas Benka Gyula Evangelistic Primary School clos...
  • Szarvas News - 17.06.2014

    Content: Some like it hot – 4th season of this summer started with a successful comedy in the River Theatre in SzarvasBook Week – Gyula Bíró director had conversation with Dr Feren Vitéz, author in the Library in SzarvasFor the 20th time – the 2...
  • Manufacture Tailoring and Shoemaking Museum celebrated its 10th birthday in Szarvas

  • Körös Völgy Cultural Magazine - 13.06.2014

    Content: V. Handicraft Dayx in the shoemaking industryKeeping the traditions – Szarvas dry mill was working againSZIE winning – Tessedik Campus team, which had the advantage of playing at home, won this year as well ...
  • Körös Völgy Cultural Magazine - 06.06.2014

    Content: Gyorgy Melis charity evening in the Cervinus Teatrum in SzarvasHealth Day in MezőtúrTeachers’ Day in the Sekler School ...

